BHA puts personnel safety first in the return of racing

British Equestrian Authority ( BHA ) reminded racetrack management of their duty and responsibility for the safe return of employees to racecourses after the government eased restrictions on leisure and hospitality facilities effective May 17.
Ahead of the full race weekend, BHA has reminded race management, officials, staff and owners to check its latest COVID - 19 instructions and operating procedures, which must be followed in all racing fixtures until further notice.
"The document has been updated to reflect the government's easing of the COVID - 19 restrictions while ensuring that racers - and especially those working in high-risk environments on race day - are still protected," BHA detailed in its update. ...
Site Guards, UK racecourses will use a site-by-site "zoning system" dividing the racetrack into two main infection control zones - Green and Amber .
In the Green Zone, racetracks will operate "highest infection control measures" - with access to the zone only for those who work with jockeys, such as valets, officials and doctors.
In the meantime, security procedures in the Green Zone will include social distancing, entrance screening, and mandatory face wear for all workers.
All other areas of the racetrack, including the parade rings and stables of the racetrack, will be located in the Amber Zone, where owners will be allowed to communicate with their horses and riders.
Pre-race screening was mandatory for all participants in the Amber Zone, including coaches, stable staff and the media, but maintaining social distancing as required by the government
VNAK concluded: “These requirements will continue to be regularly reviewed and, if possible, mitigated in accordance with the government's instructions. Meanwhile, as always, thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation as we continue to work within the limits of COVID - 19 "